Saturday 14 March 2015

A little chat about a thing.

So, someone decided today to shove their nose into something that's none of their business.

I have mentioned (only briefly) that I started tentatively working with Odin since he approached me in October 2013. Honey Badger now works with him as well.

Someone in our local community thought hey were the authority on Odin and who he does and doesn't work with, and thought they ought to run their mouth on the subject to a mutual friend who at no point asked to be involved.

We are not friends or acquaintances with the person who wrote this email.  We aren't (or weren't) enemies with them either. This is not a new step in a long and drawn out war with this individual. They are a member of the local community but really not on our radar whatsoever.

I'm not sure what possesses people to make them think that judging and attacking the paths of others is OK. It's not. Ever. This is an "inside voice" moment--you can have opinions and thoughts about what others are up to, but it's none of your business, so keep your effing mouth shut.

Nothing we have done is "disrespectful". Nothing is harming anyone. And I don't need to justify my experiences to anyone, but in case you're curious: I never asked for this. I did not go seeking a deity to work with. I never wanted to work with any. The Alfather chose to insert himself into my spiritual life in a very unexpected way, sans warning or preamble (which I have read is not uncommon for him...) and I decided it was a call to something new, and not to ignore it. I have done a lot of reading, books on Heathenry, books on Norse Mythology, the Eddas. I don't call myself Heathen because I'm not, but I want to learn and grow and if Odin sees something worthy in me, who the fuck is anyone else to say "No!"? That is between me and Him, not you. You may choose to think I have rushed into this blindly--but there have been many steps along this path and I choose not to share most of them.

This person is a semi prominent member of a prominent local group that hosts events and rituals and claims to be open to anyone's path or truth and to exist to foster the growth of others.


Maybe they ought to know the true opinions of some of the company they keep? Certainly means I wont be promoting the group to anyone any longer as long as I know this person is involved.

Edit: I removed my rather acerbic video, as funny as I found it, it didn't really say anything new and was just angry spewing.

My friend the Honey Badger (to whom this email was primarily directed) has since received three more attempts at direct correspondence from this person. They're basically trolling now for a reaction, I suppose. They seem to think they have the moral high ground here--that because (in their opinion) we are "doing it wrong" we are "pissing on her ancestors" and everything she said is justified. She's missing the point alarmingly -- no matter how right she thinks she is, attacking the beliefs of another is wrong. We all walk our own path - she has no right, nor does anyone, to dictate that one path over another is delusional or untrue or "wrong". Unless there is actual abuse or harm taking place, you keep your nose out because it's none of your business.

The more you talk, the more your stupid shows. Keep it up.